Tag Archives: Branding

Why the recruitment process in Thailand degraded so much?

Since years, it is easier to do the job than to get it. Many corporate and institutional functions and activities have degenerated over the past 20 years, but the process of recruiting new people, especially for medium and large employers became a nightmare. Nowadays, the typical recruitment process is virtually purgatory. It seems that in Read more »

5 Tips to Make Your Employees 10x More Productive

1. Appreciate good work – You’ll be surprised how much a “good job” goes with some people. 2. Get to know each individual – I personally go on daily walk at least once each day during work hours. I usually invite one or two people for each walk. This helps me get to know people. Read more »

Recruitment and UX (User Experience)

What is UX – All aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products. User experience (UX) is the process to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. The keyword in this definition is the User. In the case of recruitment, there are two main users: Recruiters and Read more »